
Anydesk windows store
Anydesk windows store

anydesk windows store

I’ve spent 5 or 6 goddamn hours, trying to figure out why the hell it happens. lnk shortcut elsewhere, out of these A / B folders (or just deleting it) – and (again, after 1st or 2nd restart) the app returns to start normally, with its icon again present on taskbar.

anydesk windows store

Sometimes It goes that way from 1st launch of the app, sometimes from the 2nd one. lnk – and it works, but there’s no app icon on taskbar, just empty highlighted square. Starting that modernUI app, either from it’s original shortcut, or from newly created one. lnk shortcut file somewhere into:Ī) \ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\ī) \Users\user1\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\ If I put (move/copy) such a newly created Metro / modernUI app. You can also assign a global hotkey to your shortcut. Now, you can move this shortcut to any convenient location, pin it to taskbar or to Start, add to All apps or add to Quick Launch (see how to enable Quick Launch). Windows will create a new shortcut for it instantly! Now, drag and drop the shortcut of the desired app to the Desktop.Hit the Enter key to open the Applications folder.Press the Win + R keys together on your keyboard to open the Run dialog and type shell:AppsFolder in the run box.To create a Desktop shortcut for a Store app in Windows 10, do the following. Now, let's see how we can use this folder to create a shortcut for any Store app. Run the Lock Screen as a regular Modern app in Windows 10 with a shortcut or command line.How to launch the Universal File Explorer app in Windows 10.How to start a Modern app from desktop without going to the Metro Start Screen.In our previous articles, we used it a lot. Readers of Winaero are familiar with this folder. The list includes classic Desktop apps along with Store apps. The folder shows all installed apps in the list. Note: The command above is a special Shell command. The method described below involves a special shell folder which can be opened by the following command (type it in the Run dialog): shell:AppsFolder Wouldn't it be convenient to create a shortcut to launch the modern Mail, Skype, OneDrive, Photos, Camera or any modern (UWP) app you have installed from the Store without using third party tools? Well, this is very easy, but not quite obvious! Let's discover this hidden secret feature right now.

Anydesk windows store